As specialists in the field of ear, nose, and throat care, as well as head and neck surgery, our physicians stay current on the latest methods and procedures to provide the best care possible to our patients. The audiology staff works with patients to understand their lifestyle and specific needs in order to provide individualized solutions to each patient’s hearing loss. Our office staff is eager to ensure that all patients have a positive experience beginning with their initial visit.
At Nevada ENT and Hearing Associates, we strive to provide quality patient care, to every patient, every day.
Common ailments
Nasal obstruction and congestion, Sinus infections, Snoring, Headache, Poor or altered sense of smell, Nosebleed, Nasal polyps, Nasal fracture and injury.
Nasal deformity, Halitosis, Nasal allergies
Common treatments
Septoplasty, Endoscopic sinus surgery, Computerized Image-guided surgery, Nasal Fracture repair, Medical allergy treatment, Rhinoplasty, Septal perforation repair, Cancer surgery, Control of nosebleed
Common ailments
Ear infection, Swimmer’s ear, Sudden Hearing loss, Ruptured eardrum, Bell’s Palsy, Ringing in ears, Dizziness and balance disorders, Ear deformity, Ear pain, Inability to equalize ears, Cauliflower ear
Common treatments
Ear tubes, Medical treatment for ear infections, Eardrum repair (Tympanoplasty), Mastoid surgery, Otoplasty
Common ailments
Hearing loss and deafness, Tinnitus, Dizziness
Common treatments
Hearing tests (audiograms), Balance testing (ENG), Hearing aid dispensing, Epley maneuver
Common ailments
Hoarseness, Recurrent sore throats, Chronic tonsillitis, Halitosis, Snoring, Sleep Apnea, Swallowing problems, Sensation of lump in throat, chronic cough
Common treatments
Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, Snoreplasty, Sleep apnea surgery (UPPP), Laryngoscopy, Phonosurgery and voice restoration
Common ailments
Enlarged thyroid and thyroid nodules, Neck mass, Hypercalcemia, Congenital cysts, Facial fractures, Salivary gland stones and swelling, Neck and throat cancers, Head and neck skin cancers
Common treatments
Thyroidectomy, parathyroidectomy, Salivary gland surgery, Cancer surgery and management, Skin cancer surgery and facial reconstructive surgery,
Lymph node removal